Principal Investigator

Caroline Nieberding, PhD. Professor in Terrestrial Ecology, Evolutionary Biologist. See CV.
Postdoctoral collaborators

Dr Stefano Masier (Italy) studies, in collaboration with Matteo and Raluca, the role of learning for key behaviours in adapting to rapid environmental changes , using Belgian butterflies as model systems.

Dr Raluca Voda (Romania) studies, in collaboration with Matteo, the role of learning for key behaviours in adapting to rapid environmental changes , using Belgian butterflies as model systems.

Dr Matteo Marcantonio (Italy) studies, in collaboration with Raluca, the role of learning for key behaviours in adapting to rapid environmental changes , using Belgian butterflies as model systems.
Graduate students

Doriane Muller (France) studies the role of learning on mating preference in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana.

Simon Braem (Belgium) studies the role of plasticity and of learning on oviposition in the butterfly Pararge aegeria. Main promoter: Prof. H. van Dyck.

Valentine Chapelle (Belgium) studies the epigenetic basis of reproductive behaviours in a self-fertilizing fish. Main promoter: Prof.F. Silvestre.
Research assistants

2022: Welcome to Mr Baptiste Gangneux (France, AgroSup Dijon) for a 4-month research stay in the lab.

Welcome to the new Msc Students in 2022: Pierre d’Halluin (on picture), Mathias Blondlet, Hélène Leonard and Mathilde LeLevier, in addition to Lauren Lecourtois, and Arkel Piret, Msc students in Evolutionary Ecology in 2021
Technical support

Former staff members of the lab

Research assistant Mr Tenzin Palden (Tibet) in 2021

Research assistant Mr Aurélien Vielfaure (France, haute école AgroSup de Dijon) for 4-months in 2021, research stay on adaptive behaviours in butterflies.

Dr. Bertanne Visser (The Netherlands), evolutionary biologist, now permanent Research Associate of the Belgian FNRS at ULiège

Dr. Camille Turlure (France), ecologist, now Publication coordinator at Modis company (Belgium).

Dr. Marie-Jeanne Holveck, (France), ecologist, now at CEFE in Montpellier (France)

Dr. Ian Dublon (UK), chemist, now at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala.

Dr. Alok Arun (India), molecular biologist, now Principal Investigator at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico (USA).

Dr. Stéphanie Heuskin (Belgium), chemist, now permanent staff at University of Liège-Gembloux (Belgium).

Dr. Véronique Baumlé (France), molecular biologist, now at University of Namur (Belgium).

Gilles san Martin (Belgium), assistant in Ecology, now permanent staff at Centre of Agricultural Research CRA-W (Belgium).

Ellyn Bitume (USA), PhD student and then postdoc in the lab, now research entomologist at USDA-Forest service (USA).

Paul Bacquet (France), PhD student, now believe it or not …brewing good beer around Brussels.

Céline Deltenre (Belgium) Msc student in Evolutionary Ecology in 2020

Loïc Smets (Belgium) Msc student in Evolutionary Ecology in 2020

Marieke Louage (Belgium) Msc student in Science in Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology: Embedded Systems, in 2021. Main promotor is Prof. Steven Verstockt from Ghent University.

Justine Belik, Lauren Lecourtois, Gianni Malica, Arkel Piret and Charlotte de Wulff, Msc students in Evolutionary Ecology in 2021

Dilhan Ozturk and Manon Haillot (Belgium), Msc students in Evolutionary Ecology in 2020.